summer is…[a.k.a. cheezy poem part II]

summer is…[a.k.a. cheezy poem part II]

summer is

sticky saltwater tickling down torso 

under the dewy cotton blouse

praying for a breeze to freeze

the moisture where it lies. 


summer is

sun-browned skin

painted toenails, aqua waters 

splashing your face as the boat surges

and you’re soaked

but you, smiling, don’t care. 


summer is

singing country songs because for once they seem fitting

windows all the way down, hair abandoned to the wind’s whim

sunglasses and beach dresses

melting each moment, swallowing them slowly down

willing warmth to linger longer 

knowing all the time it can’t. 

One thought on “summer is…[a.k.a. cheezy poem part II]

  1. Hi Hannah,

    Loved the definition of summer…. I am grieving that it is over. Summer just

    Whizzed by for us. We just got our antique boat out last week. Final day of water skiing today.

    We are headed to Eastern Canada next week for a wedding. Roy has 3 1st cousins that still get

    Together and tell “yarns”. They really are funny. One of them is getting remarried (his wife died a year ago.

    What are you up to these days? Where are you?


    Carol J

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